Care for your pot grown Christmas tree
Keep your tree outside until you are ready to decorate it.
When you take it in make sure that you place it away from direct heat.
Water regularly, not allowing it to dry out.
After Christmas either plant the tree out in your garden, or else re-pot it into a larger pot.
Remember your tree will respond better if you feed it during the growing season.
When taking the tree out after Christmas do not put it straight out into an exposed situation — instead put it into a garage or similar situation to allow it to acclimatize.
Repotting your pot grown Christmas tree
Best to repot in early Spring, but can be done any time of the year.
Repot into a pot that is at least 10cm (4ins) larger in diameter.
Use a multipurpose potting compost
Add 10 - 15% garden bark mulch to aid drainage.
When weather warms up in Spring, feed liquid fertilizer weekly.
Make sure that tree is kept well watered and is not allowed to dry out.